Monday, April 06, 2015

Sweet Potato Slip Update!

So, awhile back I showed you how to start your own sweet potato slips so that you can grow them in your own garden and benefit from their delicious wonderfulness for a fraction of the cost of buying them at the supermarket.  Another great thing about this is that you can choose the type of plant, by choosing a good starter potato.  I suggest grabbing a local, organic or naturally raised potato if you have access to it!

SO!  Update time!  Here are some progress photos:

On the left, March 31st.
On the right, April 6th.
Started on March 11th.

As you can see that once they get going, they really take off!  There are about 2 slips that are ready to come off.  I`ll be snapping them off as close to the potato was possible and then putting them in a glass of water, so that they can root.

 This usually happens pretty fast and once they have a few roots, they can go in some potting mix ( use organic if at all possible, to avoid chemicals).

 I`ll be posting an other update and pictures when I get to that point.  I`m also hoping to post an update throughout the growing season...although I`m not sure when the outdoor growing season is actually going to start!  As I write this, it is flurrying outside.  Winter just doesn`t want to let go!  One good thing, is that although I`m going to have a huge amount of plants growing all over around my house, with them getting a good head start inside, there is a chance for them all to mature before the growing season ends ( fingers cross for a warm fall!!).

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