Sunday, April 19, 2015

Our Son, the Chicken Whisperer

It's been a few days since my last post, and although I do have some interesting updates, and how to's to post about, since its late I'm going to post about our son and our chickens.

Since starting to work towards moving from the city to the country, we have been talking to our boys about what we will be doing and getting when we move to our new homestead.  We've talked about the different animals we hope to have, how they need to be taken care of and how they will work together to benefit the entire homestead.  Both boys have been interested, but since Bridgette has joined our pre-farm, our oldest has REALLY taken to the experience, so much so that I've started calling him the Chicken Whisperer.

This is the child who has been becoming more and more fixated on video games, so we had hopes to getting him outside and DOING something when we got to the country (and before).  Since Bridgette's arrival this is the same boy who has been getting up before the rest of us in the morning to eat and get ready so he has time to spend with the chickens before school.  He faithfully feeds and waters them before school and they are the first place he goes when he gets home.  Collecting eggs is a highlight of his day and he spends hours outside either talking to them, watching them of just playing out in the yard in their vicinity. They (yes they, as in more than one now ha ha) follow him around, eat from his hand, let him pick them up, and call after him when he leaves. Earlier in the week we took an hour and a half drive to go pick up two more hens.  I don't think they have had much human interaction, as they were pretty nervous around us (as well as the guy we got them from).  They hid in the coop for about a day and a half, but with his coaxing and patience, all three of them are now happy, co-existing and already laying!  It's been such a positive experience for him, and us as a family.

New therapy for video gamers- chicken therapy.  I do now declare that it's a thing.

A post on the newest residents coming soon!

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