Sunday, April 05, 2015

Meet Bridgette, An Unexpected Matriarch

Hello Folks! This post will be brief, as its late and I've had an action packed day, but I HAD to share with you.  Also, Happy Easter to those of you who may celebrate the holiday.

As you all know, we are in the process of moving from the city to the country, to pursue a more laid back and healthy, free lifestyle in homesteading.  Here in the city, our animals are limited to our cats and our dog, with plans to expand our animals when we move.  Well..... let's say that plan took a tiny little turn today...

Meet Bridgette.

Meet Bridgette.
Bridgette made a somewhat expected entrance into my life today.  Our plans for chickens have been to wait, much to my reluctance, but at the request of my husband.  Since he is ever so patient and supportive of all of my crazy endeavours, I was respecting his wishes... until the call came today.  There was a poor chicken wandering around one of the inner-city neighbourhoods.  She had been wandering for a few days, she was cold, wet and not fed and she probably wasn't going to make it through the night (late spring snow/ rain storm with below freezing temps).  No one had gone looking for her, so I went to rescue her.

This is Jenn (right), my co-pilot and partner in crime on many of my adventures.  Let's all say hi to Jenn.. HI JENN!!

Together, with a borrowed dog crate in tow (thank you to my other bestie Sarah for coming to the crate rescue) we set off to save the chicken.  Remember, this was all happening in a very shady part of town.  At Jenn's expert suggestion, we turned down a scary looking dead end road by a boat dock and viola! Two driveways later, there was Bridgette.  Cold, hungry but in good spirits.  Jenn walked up to her, Bridgette gave one chicken "BOK!" and Jenn picked her up. No running, no struggle... she seemed genuinely happy to be rescued.  We put her in a little box (for your future reference, Build-a-Bear boxes are THE most idea chicken rescuing boxes) and set off to take her home.  We made a pit stop for food, meal worms, a cozy blanket, pine shavings and dishes for her kennel.  Our chicken selfie was taken during our little trip.  We are both sans make up, with frizzy snow storm hair... the perfect chicken saving look.

Chicken feed and Kale.
Bridgette is snug in her kennel, after having a good meal, a good drink and drying out.  She's a very good natured, friendly leghorn, we think.  I'm going to confess this now: there is currently a chicken in my spare bedroom (haha).  She was soaked to the bone so staying in the garage or shed was not an option.  After a few days of rest and food, I'm going to give her the spa treatment (
a nice warm bath) and once she completely dries from that, we'll have a small city coop built for her.  I'm hoping in a couple of weeks to bring two friends to live with her, so she doesn't get lonely.  In the meantime, I need to find a vet that does chickens.  It should be fun.

I'll be back soon!

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