Saturday, June 27, 2015

Chicken Treats, An Ongoing Mission

Bridgette, inspecting the goods.
Things continue to be busy here at the city pre-farm.  We are getting oh so close to listing.  Today was 'help a friend move' day, so we are all pretty bushed, but even tonight we are working away.  Hubby laid the sub-floor for the basement bathroom, which is the last big project left. Yesterday, I installed a door stop, put in a threshold, put some trim up, and finished crack filling the bathroom.  Other small things also continue to get crossed off the list each day.

Amidst all the construction, we still have The Girls, as well as the other pets, to think of.  I like to keep things interesting out in our all-girl sorority coop, so I'm always looking for an interesting idea.  A few days ago, I picked up a wild bird seed bell.  It has domestically grown seeds, so I figured although it isn't organic, even we splurge and have take out once in awhile, so the girls got some 'junk food' too. They Loved It!  They had it finished in less that a day.  It was kind of like chicken tether ball as it swung around and they took turns having a peck.

Today, I was on the hunt for a new treat.  I had seen an idea a few months ago about stringing vegetables and fruit to make a treat garland, so I thought I would give it a try.  I bought some brussel sprouts and radishes, hubby helped by drilling holes through them first, and then I strung them together using a darning needle.

The girls were curious, yet cautious, at first.  Bridgette is always the first to get involved in anything you are doing, and this was no exception.  Once she inspects, the others are never long joining in.

She's such a funny chicken.  She just loves people.  She follows us around like a dog, and loves getting right into the middle of any work you are doing... especially if it involves digging... she loves worm hunting!    Try out this easy chicken treat and let me know how your chickens like it!
Official treat inspector, Bridgette, while  Smokey (behind, left) lends a curious eye and Hawk-Eye (hind, right) poses for the camera.

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