Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Recent Goaty Adventure

I am known for my random adventures.  When I wake up in the morning I know one thing is for sure:  There's a darn tootin' good chance that the day is NOT going to go as I have planned.  Usually this is a good thing and its a positive outcome.  Today was one of those days.  I planned on working around the house, and instead I ended up foraging in the hills for wild rhubarb and getting free lilac seedlings for the future property with my friend Anne, having lunch with my friend Jenn W and then helping my sister with a case of keys-locked-in-the-car.  I didn't come on to tell you about today though.  I wanted to talk to you about two Tuesdays ago and my adventure with Jenn B.

Side note: I have to distinguish between Jenns because there are a few of them. :)

Miss Dot.  Such a lady.
Two Tuesdays ago, I got a call from Jenn B.  She asked me if I was interested in going on a morning adventure with her and of course my answer was yes.  I'm always up for adventures, the crazier the better!  

Todays' adventure: visiting a small goat farm.  I'm actually not sure if you would actually consider it an actual 'goat farm' per se or a goat homestead, but its is the cutest hill side farmstead, run by two of the nicest women you'll ever meet.  They have 14 goats, chickens and on this particular day a beautiful horse arrived to pasture on their hilly fields for the summer.  I'm not going to name names or actual locations because I haven't asked if I can go into such details, but it suffices to say that when you pull into their yard it reminds you of a quaint hillside in Italy or Tuscany, except when you turn around you are looking at one of the most amazing views of water, hills and valleys.  To wake up there every morning. Seriously...

These ladies are locally known as the goat ladies. At one time they actually made and sold various goat milk products, such as soaps and deodorants and let me tell you, they have the sweetest little herd of goats, all with the cutest personalities and who all love their mommas very very much. If there is an injured goat that is down on its luck in the area, you can be sure they have probably been contacted for their expertise or have it there with them for rehabilitation.  

They actually don't have their property fenced in like most goat related articles you read say is absolutely imperative for owning goats.  Their trip is actually very content staying right there.  How heart warming is that.. seriously?!  

Neat and educational fact:  A group of goats is called a herd or a trip!

On this day it was raining, so they were all hunkered down in their goat sheds keeping dry and warm, but I had the wonderful privilege of meeting them all.  

They also have the sweetest little flock of banties with a few banty frizzles thrown in.  I love their feathered feet, which gives them a hip bell bottom look.  So fashionable, those chickens!

The hip chickens.

I'm excited to be going back to visit them again soon, on a sunny day.  More pictures to come and hopefully I'll be able to introduce you to the wonderful ladies who love these sweet little goats so much.  Let's just say this friendly little tribe of happy little goats solidified my decision to have some on our farm.  

Oh, who am I kidding (haha...punny), I was going to have them anyway... :D

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