Friday, March 06, 2015

Spring Fever, Under 7 (12.5) feet of Snow!

As I write this I sit at our kitchen table (at our current city home) with the sun strongly coming through the patio doors.  If I close my eyes, I can practically feel spring in those rays!  When I open them, however, I am looking out into our 'snow swimming pool' yard.  We have 6 ft fences on the sides and an 8 foot in the back.  Some of the drifts are over the 6 ft fence! This winter we have received an amazing 381 cm ( that's 150 inches, or 12.5 feet) of the white stuff. Amazing!  I also refer to our yard as the snow labyrinth.  I can feel spring in the air and I'm starting to see some subtle signs, so I'm convinced it is on its way!  Generally, I would excited to see tell-tale signs of my raised beds and hoop house hoops starting to show. This year, I will watch them appear and fight the urge to plant.  Why?  Because I am hoping for everything to work out that I can plant our garden at our new homestead this year!
That's my poor husband, fighting his way through to our
 heat pump condenser!

Signs, you may ask?  Well, yes!  Pay attention to old Mother Nature and you will have a pretty good idea of what is on the way.  Last summer, for instance, I kept telling people "We're going to have a LOT of snow this winter".  When I told them why, some laughed.  Last summer the hornets and bees were building their nests higher than I had ever seen, our trees starting dropping their leaves a little earlier than usually AND the fall foliage seemed extra beautiful.  All nature's of way of saying "Prepare for a cold and snowy winter!".

Now, for the signs of spring!  First, a lot of my early spring flowering houseplants have already come into bloom.  A much welcome burst of colour inside, when the outside world is so white right now!
My beautiful Dolphin plant,
starting to bloom!
Secondly, the song birds and robins are coming back.  I have seen and heard a few, and I know more are on their way! Thirdly, there has been a lady bug spotted.  Indoors, but still.  They are stirring.  I was very excited when my friend found one in her home.  She, however, was less than excited by the tiny red visitor.  Are you seeing any signs in and our your home?

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