Saturday, May 02, 2015

Flock Expansion

Hello in there!  I'm Bridgette!
Well, it's been about a week and a half since my last post.  It's been busy around here!  Our yard is finally free of snow and this weekend is the first time that it doesn't resemble some sort of wetland and is walkable ( if you walk carefully... don't want the lawn to be torn up when it's for sale soon!). With the yard finally accessible, there has been lots to do.  A quick clean up, bring out the patio furniture, setting up the gazebo and moving the chicken coop to the garden area are just a few of the chores we've finished.
On top of all that, we've had a new bird join our flock.  Now, as you know we started out with Bridgette.  She was lonely, so we got her two friends: Smokey and Not-Ewe (more on that one soon).  Their introduction was great.  They said hello, dined on some kale together, made a few noises and went from coexisting to coop snuggle buddies within a day.  A happy little trio!  Well, it didn't go quite as nicely with our newest resident, affectionately named by hubby, Hawk-Eye.  Can you tell he's a Marvel fan?  The fact that she doesn't have any notable comb, which really makes her look like a hawk, didn't help.  Add to the fact that everyone else had named a chicken and poor Hawk-Eye didn't stand a chance for a pleasant name like Rose or .. I dunno... something more pleasant than Hawk-Eye... haha.
I do say, are you in there?  I said Hello!
So, day one of Hawk-Eye's introduction to the flock was rough.  Smokey was picking on her, Not-Ewe couldn't get out of anyone's way, and Hawk-Eye was picking on Bridgette.  No one messes with Queen B... so I had to watch closely to make sure no one got hurt (this is after Hawk-Eye spent a couple of hours in a kennel in the run so everyone could smell and talk, without  physical contact).  Well, once the door was opened, Bridgette being her friendly self, walked right up and said hello and Hawk-Eye pecked her in the head hahaha.  That just set the tone for the whole day.  Add to the fact that Hawk-Eye just wanted to perch IN the door of the coop, making passing difficult... it just was a bad day.  She spent the night in the kennel, in the house, for everyone's safety.  Today was our second attempt.  We kept the kennel in the run, CLOSED for hours ( she had water and food).  Once we opened it, she was out pretty quickly and right back in the coop door... NOT the way to make friends!  I was thinking she would be back in the kennel tonight, but to my delight, at bedtime everyone was IN the coop and getting along.  Hawk-eye on the indoor perch and the other three in their usual cuddle group haha.  Whew!  I'm telling you, I had a friend who is recovering from surgery on messenger on my phone and I was sending her up to the minute updates and even she said.. chicken introductions can be very interesting!
Rude bird, blocking the door!

So, I know you're all asking.  What is with the name Not-Ewe?  Well, short story.  Our youngest is on a kick that when you ask him something that he doesn't want to answer, or if he is not impressed with you, he says "Not you!"  or "Not you, Mum!".  Well, it was his turn to name a chicken and he was not one bit interested.  Each time we asked him, he said "Not You!", so later that day I said "Ok!  That's her name!", but I figured Not-Ewe was a better spelling.. because she's not a ewe... she's a chicken. Ba-dum-chaa! hahahah.  Yeah, I know.  Lame. :P
Now, for Smokey.  Our oldest named her.  It's because she has a goldish speckling on her neck and breast and he felt she looked like a Smokey.  I wasn't about to argue :)

Here's hoping that everyone continues to live together in the coop happily, and egg producing is relatively unaffected.  As usual, faithful Bridgette delivered her egg today.  Such a great layer and such a friendly bird.  We also got one egg from either Smokey or Not-Ewe.  Their eggs are the same, so its hard to tell sometimes.  Hawk-Eye lays blue eggs, so I'm looking forward to her starting back up.  Apparently she is a pretty good layer.  I was told that she is an Americauna, but I think she's an Easter Egger.  I'm not overly concerned to be honest.  I consider her a rescue because the man who sold her to me didn't seem to take very good care of his animals :(  She doesn't seem to be very use to humans and her feathers are a mess and she's bare on the back from the rooster.  Poor girl! No wonder she is crabby.  She was with the rooster until just a few days ago, so I may keep a few of her first eggs and see if they hatch.  The boys would love to see that experience, and I'd love to have some chicks to raise to be as friendly as Bridgette.  Not saying that Smokey and Not-Ewe aren't friendly, they are, but they are still learning.  Bridgette will come over the talk, eat from your hand and likes to be petted.  The other girls are more wary of humans.  For now anyway.  They are happy and so pretty since arriving and getting themselves all cleaned up.

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