Friday, September 25, 2015

So, I've been a baaaaad blogger... and we're moving!

What can I say, other than I'm sorry?

Things have been nothing short of chaotic here.  Summer happened, house renos took over my life, the kids were home, my mother came to stay with us for two weeks (she has advanced MS and needs 24 hour care), then back to school sneaked up on us and the house sold. (Sneaked?  I looked it up to confirm: It is in fact sneaked and not snuck....).

Yes.  You read correctly.  The house sold.


I'm happy to report that we were for sale for one month and one week, which is nothing short of a miracle in today's housing market. We owe a lot of thanks to our amazing real estate agent, Andrea Hughes, and also our hard work getting this place market ready.  I'm going to blog about that in a post very soon, because I think its an area where many people looking to sell could really use some insight.  We've looked at quite a few houses in our search for a new homestead, and it seems many people don't understand the art of market preparedness...

So, we received an offer, accepted an offer and are now in the wait mode, soon to enter pack mode.  We are also in 'find a new home' mode, which admittedly has all but taken over my online life.  It's a little stressful when you don't know where you will lay your head in less than 5 weeks.  Oh, did I mention, we have to be out by October 29th?  Oh yes.  That's a crucial point.  Ha!

So, the search continues.  Something homey. Something we can make a homestead out of. Something accessible enough for hubby to commute, yet something out of the city.  It's out there, we just haven't found it yet.  We will!

So, I'll post more about the city-homesteading things I have been up to.  Honestly, it hasn't been much this year because I had to scale way back to be buyer-friendly, which in our case probably didn't make a huge difference, as the purchaser wants to keep our chicken coop ha ha.  Yes!  The Girls will also be homeless :)  I think our houses's future owner is going enjoy this little homestead in the city.

I leave you with a picture of the Girls enjoying some corn on the cob.  This was an afternoon last week, while they happily foraged around the yard.  There is something very satisfying about watching your chickens grazing contently, chicken butts in the air :)
